FuncProg λ

Haskell and Mathematical Series

Recently, in a university course, I was fiddling with mathematical series and their definitions in either a recursive or an explicit form. Sure, sounds like some textbook, rather boring stuff, you may say. However, I found it quite interesting (and fun too) and above all, I leveraged the power of Haskell to play around with these series.

A recursive definition of a series consists of a “base case” and a recursive formula to compute the remaining terms of the series by using the value of the previous term or terms. An explicit definition, on the other hand, is simply a mathematical function that computes the value of the term given its index.

Hm, I thought, perhaps Haskell may be a viable tool to play around with these series, and, indeed, it was. All programmers are lazy in some way (recall that Haskell is too a lazy language), and I’m no exception. I’ve scribbled a few lines in my textbook and solved the transformations of the series by hand quite swiftly; however, I felt unsure if my thinking was correct. Similarly, programmers tend to be quite paranoid in nature, and there I’m not any different either. Haskell, I recalled again, I could consider to be a fun tool to play with this mathematical phenomenon, so I decided to write a small-ish program that would verify whether my thinking was correct or not, hoping to gain some confidence in my mathematical skills.

One could be wondering: “Why Haskell, though? I reckon I can compose a Python code much easily and get the job done.” Well, sure, that’s a valid point. However, the elegance that Haskell provides in expressing mathematical concepts is fundamental. Furthermore, given my appeal to “Literate Programming” (a concept so interesting that I’d recommend every programmer to read about it), I realized that Haskell is perhaps the most suitable from my toolbox to achieve the literate fashion of the program. In any case, consider it yourself if my reasoning is valid or nonsensical. Write a program in Python if you wish, but I’ll stick to good Haskell, at least for now, unless I’m forced to do otherwise.

I remember starting with the exercises from the textbook, and the following one was perhaps the one that I stumbled upon first. We are given a recursive formula (a definition) of series, and we were asked to find an explicit definition. The recursive formula was given mathematically as follows:

\[(a_n) = \begin{cases} 1, & \text{if } n = 0 \\ 6, & \text{if } n = 1 \\ 4 a_{n-1} - 4 a_{n-2}, & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\]

Which can be elegantly expressed in Haskell as follows:

a 0 = 1
a 1 = 6
a n = 4 * a (n-1) - 4 * a (n-2)

I reckon you understand the choice of Haskell for this task now more clearly, or don’t you, you Pythonista? Anyhow, jokes aside. The task was now to find an explicit definition of \((a_n)\). I’ll not bother too much with the step-by-step derivation, but, if you want to try this exercise yourself, you may consider the following helpful. Recall \((a_n)\), we may reorganize the terms and receive:

\[a_n - 4 a_{n-1} + 4 a_{n-2} = 0\]

There’s a well-known method to solve such equations, and it’s called the characteristic equation. We write the previous in terms of \(r\) which denotes the roots of the equation:

\[r^2 - 4 r + 4 = 0\]

That is, \(a_n = r^2\), \(a_{n-1} = r\), and \(a_{n-2} = 1\). We solve the quadratic equation and receive \(r = 2\). For a single-root equation, the characteristic equation is given as follows:

\[a_n = r^n (\alpha_1 + \alpha_2 n)\]

Herein, \(\alpha_1\) and \(\alpha_2\) are constants that we need to find. We use the fact that \(a_0 = 1\) and \(a_1 = 6\) to find the constants. We receive that \(\alpha_1 = 1\) and \(\alpha_2 = 2\). Thus, the explicit formula (labeled \(a^{\prime}\)) is:

\[a^{\prime}(n) = 2^n(1 + 2n)\]

Yet again, transcribing this into Haskell is quite straightforward:

a' n = (1 + 2*n) * 2^n

Cool, I thought, but how correct? I thought that I’d better verify this somehow. But how? Perhaps, I may compute the results of \(a(n)\) and \(a^{\prime}(n)\), assign them to pairs, and compare them. If all the pairs from such a sequence are equal, then I can confidently say that I should be correct. So, I’d have a list of pairs in the form of:

\[{[(a(1), a^{\prime}(1)), (a(2), a^{\prime}(2), \dots, (a(n), a^{\prime}(n)]}\]

Then, we simply assert that all the pairs are equal. This sounds rather trivial in human language (and mathematics too): “If all the pairs are equal, then the explicit formula is correct.” So we call it a day, and we’re done. Not truly, let’s try to write something similar in Haskell now, and see if we can verify our thinking.

comparator :: Int -> (Int -> Int) -> (Int -> Int) -> Bool
comparator n f g = all (uncurry (==)) (zip xs ys)
    xs = map f [0..n]
    ys = map g [0..n]

I suppose this is perhaps not what you may have expected initially (especially if you’re more familiar with non-declarative programming), but there’s not so much magic, frankly, so do not worry too much. Let’s break it down a bit. The function is titled comparator (for obvious reasons), and it takes three arguments: an integer, our \(n\), and two functions, \(f\) and \(g\), which are functions that take an integer and also return an integer (these should be our recursive and explicit functions, respectively). The function then computes xs and ys which is an application of the two functions to the range \([0..n]\). Taking zip xs ys, we compute the list of pairs described above. Lastly, the all function is used to verify each pair in the list (i.e. every element of the list), uncurries it (i.e. applies the pair as an argument to the function ==, hence comparing the two elements of the pair), and returns a single boolean value. This is because each comparison returns a boolean value, and the all functions returns True if all the comparisons are True, and False otherwise (does this remind you of the mathematical formulation said above?).

I fired up ghci and, initially, comparator yields False. I was a bit perplexed and I couldn’t quite fire out what was wrong. I updated the function a bit and I let it display the sequence zip xs ys to see what was going on. I found a small mistake in my derivation, computed the correct explicit formula, fired up ghci again, and voilà, comparator returned True. I was quite relieved, I must admit.

I would like to make a remark here; yes, I’m aware that my home-made function comparator is not the most performant one, but it did offer me what I needed. I’m fully aware that it could have been written perhaps more elegantly with tools like QuickCheck (specifically aimed at testing properties of functions), but I’ll leave that for another day.

In conclusion, I hope you found this little exercise interesting. I certainly did, and I’m excited to see where next I can apply Haskell in my day-to-day tasks.